About Us

Resonance has exclusive supply arrangements with global industry leaders

  • 1992

    Commissioned the Pyridine and Picoline plants

  • 1994

    The company repeated its pioneering feat. It became the first company in India to manufacture Cyanopyridines.
    This successful effort brought company recognition from the Government of India for technological excellence. Resonance is also the first in India to manufacture various Collidines.

Our Board

Our eminent Board of Directors oversees its overall strategy and cross-functional activities. They are the pillars of our corporate governance, and ultimately accountable for strategy, risk management, operations, and financial performance. As Resonance continues to evolve in the new decade, our Board of Directors will strive to steer it to new heights, on the strong foundations of our values.

Archana Yadav

Chairman & Non-Executive Independent Director

Raj Kamal Verma

Non-Executive Independent Director

Ajay Patadia

Non-Executive Independent Director

Prashant Godha

Non-Executive Non- Independent Director

Nilesh Jain

Non-Executive Non- Independent Director

Charchit Jain

Whole Time director

Appointment Letters of Independent Directors

Audit Committee

  • Mrs. Archana Surendra Yadav
  • Mr. Raj Kamal Prasad Verma
  • Mr. Charchit Jain
  • Mr. Ajay Patadia

Nomination & Remuneration Committee

  • Mr. Raj Kamal Prasad Verma
  • Mrs. Archana Surendra Yadav
  • Mr. Prashant Godha
  • Mr. Ajay Patadia

Stakeholder Relationship Committee

  • Mr. Raj Kamal Prasad Verma
  • Mrs. Archana Surendra Yadav
  • Mr. Charchit Jain
  • Mr. Ajay Patadia

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

  • Mrs. Archana Surendra Yadav
  • Mr. Raj Kamal Prasad Verma
  • Mr. Prashant Godha
  • Mr. Ajay Patadia

The Front Force

Charchit Jain

Chief Financial Officer

Neeraj Pandey

Production Manager

Neha Sankhe

R&D Manager

Reena Singh

Factory Manager

Vaibhavi Rajeshirke

Company Secretary

Monika Limbani

Marketing Manager

We are committed to the highest standard of integrity, openness and accountability in the conduct of its business and operations. It aspires to conduct its affairs in an ethical, responsible and transparent manner.

We believe in working harmoniously at all levels and rejuvenation of a strong culture of trust, honesty and integrity by laying foundation from the grass root level. The culture we build is pursued and adopted as a habit.

The framework of ‘Whistle Blower Policy’ is supported by ‘Whistle Blower Guidelines’. This would assist the whistle blower to follow the process in recording and communicating any instance/example of improper / wrong practices related to Safety, Health, Environment, Quality, Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), Finance, etc. to the Whistle Blower Committee.

The information communicated will be scrutinised and enquired confidentially by the Committee and necessary action initiated. The purpose of this policy is to create an open environment of work culture and facilitate good manufacturing and business practices, be it at manufacturing plants or at marketing fields or at offices of the Company.

Whistle Blowing Policy



Ethical business conduct is critical to the business carried on by the Company. Keeping this mind the Board of Directors of the Company have adopted the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which helps maintain the standards of business conduct for the Company and ensures compliance with legal requirements. The purpose of the Code is to deter wrongdoing and promote ethical conduct. The matters covered in this Code are of utmost importance to the Company, our shareholders and our business partners. The Code is designed to assist in defining appropriate personal and professional conduct, to provide guidance in the identification and resolution of ethical issues, and to help the members of the Board, members of the Senior Management and all Employees of the Company to maintain the culture of honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability. Since no code or policy can anticipate every situation that may arise, this Code is intended to provide guidance for handling unforeseen situations which may arise. Each Director, members of the Senior Management and Employees must comply with the letter and spirit of this Code. For the purpose of this Code, ‘Senior Management’ would comprise members of the management one level below the executive directors, including all functional heads. Applicability of Code to Directors, Members of the Senior Management & Employees of the Company The Code applies to the members of the Board of Directors, members of the Senior Management and all Employees of the Company across the Board.


All Directors, members of the Senior Management and Employees of the Company must respect and comply with all laws, rules and regulations of India and other countries in which the Company conducts its business. Violating the law must be avoided under all circumstances, especially violations punishable by imprisonment, monetary penalties and fines.


Each Director, every member of the Senior Management and every employee should endeavour to avoid any conflict of interests with the Company. A ‘conflict of interest’ exists where the interests or benefits of one person or entity conflict with the interests or benefits of the Company. The Directors, members of the Senior Management and employees must avoid situations involving actual or potential conflict of interest. Conflict of interest may also arise when a Director or a member of the Senior Management or an employee or members of his or her family, or an organisation with which the Director or Senior Management or employee is affiliated, receives improper benefits as a result of the Director’s or Senior Management’s or Employee’s position. Any situation that involves or may involve a conflict of interest must be promptly disclosed to the Company’s Compliance Officer or Chairman of the Audit Committee. No transaction which involves an actual or potential conflict of interest should be undertaken without prior approval of the Compliance officer and the Chairman & Whole Time Director and Managing Director and in case of Directors with the approval of the Board of Directors.


Each Director, member of the Senior Management and Employee should endeavour to deal fairly with the Company’s customers, suppliers, dealers, investors, competitors and employees. No Director or member of the Senior Management or Employee of the Company should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair dealing practice. In addition to strict compliance with all legal aspects, all Directors, members of the Senior Management and Employees are expected to observe the highest standards of business and personal ethics in the discharge of their assigned responsibilities.


Under no circumstances the Directors, members of the Senior Management or Employees of the Company shall solicit, accept or agree to accept anything of value for the benefit of any person from anyone doing or seeking to do business with the Company that is perceived as intended, directly or indirectly, to influence any business decision. Invitations from business partners, especially suppliers may only be accepted if the occasion and the scope of the invitation are appropriate and if refusing the invitation is discourteous.


The Directors, members of the Senior Management and Employees shall not exploit for their own personal gain opportunities that are discovered through the use of corporate property, information or position unless the opportunity is disclosed fully in writing to the Company’s Board of Directors and the Board of Directors declines to pursue such opportunity. The Directors, members of the Senior Management and Employees are prohibited from (a) taking for themselves personally any opportunity that properly belongs to the Company or is discovered through the use of corporate property, information, or position; (b) using corporate property, information, or position for personal gain; and (c) competing with the Company. If a Director or a member of the Senior Management or an Employee reasonably believes that a contemplated transaction might be a corporate opportunity or a competitive transaction, the Director or member of the Senior Management or Employee should make full disclosure to the entire Board through the appropriate channel and seek its authorisation to pursue such transaction.


The Company’s confidential information is a valuable asset. The Company’s confidential information includes product information, product plans and list of customers, dealers and employees and financial information. All confidential information must be used for Company business purpose only. Every Director, member of the Senior Management and Employee must safeguard it. The Directors, members of the Senior Management and Employees must maintain the confidentiality of the information entrusted to their knowledge by the Company or its customers and any other information which comes to them about the Company, except when disclosure is authorised or legally required. Confidential information includes all non-public information that might be of use to competitors, or harmful to the Company if disclosed.


All Directors, members of the Senior Management and employees at all levels should protect the Company’s assets and ensure their efficient use. Theft, carelessness, and waste have direct impact on the Company’s profitability.


The Directors and members of the Senior Management should endeavour to ensure that the Company (a) encourages employees to talk to their superiors and other appropriate personnel when in doubt about the best course of action in a particular situation; (b) encourages employees to report violation of laws, rules, regulations or the Company’s Code of Conduct to appropriate personnel; (c) informs employees that the Company will not allow retaliation for reports made in good faith.


It is prohibited to trade in securities or to tip others to trade in securities of Resonance Specialties Limited on the basis of insider information before it is made available to the public and information about the event has been sufficiently disseminated in public to enable investors to evaluate it. ‘Insider information’ means any information which is not public knowledge and which can be used to influence an investor’s decision to purchase, sell or keep a security. Insider trading rules are strictly enforced, even in instances when the financial transactions seem small. The Company has imposed a trading blackout period on members of the Board of Directors, Senior Management and Employees who, as a consequence of their position with the Company, are more likely to be exposed to material non-public information about the Company. These Directors, members of the Senior Management team and Employees are prohibited from trading in company’s securities during the blackout period. To avoid the appearance that any Director, member of the Senior Management or an Employee is trading on inside information, no Director or member of the Senior Management or an Employee directly or indirectly should engage in short sales or trade in puts, calls or other options on the securities of the Company. The purpose of this policy is both to inform of the legal responsibilities and to make clear to the Directors, members of the Management team and Employees of the company that the misuse of sensitive information is contrary to Company policy and applicable securities regulation laws of India.


Any waiver of any provision of this Code for Director or member of the Senior Management of the Company or an Employee may be granted only by the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Audit Committee and shall be promptly disclosed as required by any applicable law. Any waiver must be accompanied by appropriate controls designed to protect the Company.


Each Director, member of the Senior Management of the Company and an Employee is expected to monitor his or her personal compliance with this Code. An Annual reaffirmation of compliance with this Code is required of all Directors and all members of the Senior Management and Employees of the Company.

Our commitment to ensure that the facilities have as low as possible, an impact on local people, the environment and we continue to work in close partnership with community groups and other stakeholders to ensure that we are a responsible neighbour. As a principle, we go beyond mere compliance and assimilate health, safety and environment consciousness as part of our daily regimen.

Commitment as our fundamental for prevention

We demonstrate the effective implementation and continual improvement of environmental, occupational and health & safety management system through:

  • Awareness
  • Information Sharing
  • Safety Training
  • Periodic reviews
  • Monitoring and Measurement of activities
  • Prevention of incidents through internal audits
  • Provision of Resources

Excellence in safety, health and environmental performance is on top priority and we are open and honest about such performance.

Measures that go beyond compliance

We are an eco-friendly manufacturer and ensure minimal ecological impact by controlling our manufacturing processes as well as by treating the production wastes.

We recently upgraded our effluent treatment plant to ensure complete compliance with the requirements of the government’s industrial pollution board.

Green efforts we invest in

We aim to use natural resources efficiently and through constant monitoring and preventive actions, minimise the environmental impacts of our activities and products during their life cycles. We ensure this through a well designed and systematic storage, and use of chemicals, safe disposal of effluent material, control of gas emission and by adopting methods of resource conservation. We also promote conservation of environment through tree plantation, waste reduction, recovery of solvents chemicals.

Health programs for our team

We protect the interests of employees by providing them with appropriate and up–to–date training and access to development programs. Health monitoring of employees include regular health check–ups, special health checks for employees working in hazardous areas, eye, audiometry and Lung Function tests, first aid training, and other training workshops.

Environment Clearance

Environmental Clearance Compliance